Andrew Neild - Your Tour Leader

Andrew has led numerous butterfly photography tours to Ecuador and Venezuela, as well as to Brazil, Costa Rica, French Guiana, and Peru, with additional short visits to Belize, the Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe, and Panama. Andrew’s experiences and diverse observations of butterflies in all of these countries have supplemented those from Venezuela, where he has spent over three years in the field studying the butterflies of that country for his book series, The Butterflies of Venezuela.
Andrew holds a Master of Arts degree in Latin from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, is a Courtesy Research Scientist (Lepidoptera) of the Florida Museum of Natural History (Gainesville, USA), a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society, has served as Vice President of The Lepidopterists' Society, and is a member of the NABA Scientific Names Committee and of the Association for Tropical Lepidoptera (USA), Butterfly Conservation (UK), and The Lepidopterists’ Society (USA).
Butterfly Tours
For more tours led by Andrew Neild, please click here.
Butterfly Photos
For photos by Andrew of all butterflies seen on previous tours he has led, please see his Flickr albums here.
For details of The Butterflies of Venezuela book series, please click here.
For other publications by the author, please click here.
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